Conference Chair, Editor-in-Chief of CESIBT Book Series, Springer
Bahaaeddin Alareeni is an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Auditing. He did his PhD’s thesis in Accounting and Auditing on the relative performance of auditors’ going concern opinions and statistical failure prediction models for listed companies in Jordan. His main research interests are in the areas of Auditing, Accounting, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Internal Audit, Financial Accounting, and financial analysis. He has practical experience in the Accounting profession for more than ten years in different organizations, e.g., banking, NGOs, government sector, and private institutions. Additionally, he has academic experience in accounting and auditing for more than eight years and has taught considerable types of students in different types of courses, mostly all courses of undergraduate accounting programs in addition to several MSc and MBA courses. On top of that, he has many publications in highly ranked journals (ISI-with impact factor, Scopus, ABDC, ABS). He is Editor/Associate Editor for several Books and Journals published by Emerald, SpringerNature, Tylor&Francise. It is worth mentioning that he is currently working for the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Turkey – Northern Cyprus Campus, which is one of the top 550 universities in the world based on the QS ranking 2018.