EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT)
There is an ever-increasing need for high-quality research in most if not all aspects of 21st-century society. Universities are the primary provider of quality research education. Quality research education requires the participation of both established faculty, newly appointed staff, and research students. There is also the requirement for the academic to reach out to the general society as comprehensively as possible. As the university sector becomes increasingly focused on research excellence there is a need to provide more fora, primarily in the form of peer-reviewed conferences, for academics to exchange ideas, questions, problems, and achievements concerning their personal research activities. These fora provide opportunities to exchange ideas, experience critiques, and obtain some recognition for individuals’ progress towards research excellence. The more international the fora the more effective it is. Although publishing in highly rated indexed academic journals is still the most prized form of academic communication, the conference has become a significant outlet for research findings as well as an important facilitator to achieving this goal.
To facilitate the creation of global academic research communities by providing all the administrative and management functions required to deliver a comprehensive academic conference experience. This is supported by the provision of seminars, workshops, and the publishing of suitable books, monographs, and proceedings. It is also supported by 4 academic journals some of which are Scopus and Web of Science indexed (English and Arabic).
EMABT’s conference activities
EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT) aims to support the Academic Community in Europe, the Middle East, and other countries Worldwide. EMABT aims to manage a range of Conferences Worldwide as well as offer an online Academic Bookshop, Publishing, and Dissertation Service.
Our focus is entirely on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology but over the next years, we will broaden these areas to others. Global reach is one of the dimensions that differentiates us in the marketplace. At any given conference there are well-known speakers/experts from many countries. Some of the conferences will have with them master classes in their associated field which will be run on the day before the conference.
Details of this event are contained on our website at
We are a Member of the AACSB Business Education Alliance.